Stanislaus Kostka Statue

During a recent trip to Ukraine, Maria was asked by one of her college professors to restore this wooden statue of Staislaw Kostka.  It is believed to be circa late 18th century or early 19th century.  There was much damage to the lower part of the robe.  The restoration required recreating the intricate pattern on the robe. 

Below is information on Saint Stanislaw Kostka from Wikipedia.

Stanisław Kostka S.J. (28 October 1550 – 15 August 1568) was a Polish novice of the Society of Jesus. In the Catholic Church he is venerated as Saint Stanislaus Kostka.
He was born at Rostkowo, Przasnysz County, Poland, on 28 October 1550; died at Rome during the night of 14–15 August 1568. He entered the Society of Jesus in Rome on his 17th birthday (28 October 1567), and is said to have foretold his death a few days before it occurred.




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Created: November 22, 2016. Last Updated: November 22, 2016
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