This is an unusual piece.  It is a double sided religious work painted on leather.  The size is approximately 60 x 40 cm.
When this painting was received, it was rolled and crumbled with severe loss of paint.  And it was very dirty, suffering from a lifetime of neglect and improper storage.
The first order of business was to flatten the painting.  The painting was pressed under heavy weight for many weeks and then ironed at a precise temperature to insure there was no further damage to the paint or leather.  The first image is the painting as prepared for ironing.

The following six images are of both sides from beginning to end. Extensive cleaning and restoration of large areas of missing paint were required for this project.

Being double sided presented additional complexity in the restoration of this work of art.






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Created: October 19, 2015. Last Updated: March 08, 2016
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