Galveston Island - Sailboat
Anne Blunt - Artist

Here are pictures taken before the restoration began.  Some damage is visible and the painting is very dirty. 
Several layers of dirt and smoke cover the entire surface.
Click on thumbnail to view larger image.


Here are pictures taken during the restoration.
The first picture was taken after initial cleaning and application of primer.
Further investigation of the painting surface revealed that there was more smoke and dirt deeply embedded in the surface.
The picture on the right shows a vastly different surface.  All yellowing is gone and there is much more depth and contrast.
Click on thumbnail to view larger image.


The final pictures after restoration show a much different painting and frame.


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Created: May 24, 2017. Last Updated: October 20, 2017
All original art work, photography, and web pages are
© Copyright 2017, ArtWorkandRestoration, Corpus Christi, Texas, USA