Galveston Island
Two paintings by Anne Blunt.

These two paintings from 1888 were brought to Maria by Charlie Blunt.  Anne Blunt was his ancestor.
The paintings were badly stored for many decades but Sailboat is in much worse condition. 
Mr. Blunt acquired the Sailboat painting from another relative and it had been placed on top of an old refrigerator for many years and is quite dirty.
Cleaning will be a major concern for both of these paintings.

This page will document the restoration of these works of art.
Click on "Hygeia" or "Sailboat" for more pictures and information.


Before Restoration


After Restoration



Before Restoration


After Restoration

And finally, a picture sent by the owner.  The restored family treasures proudly displayed in their home.

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Created: May 24, 2017. Last Updated: October 20, 2017
All original art work, photography, and web pages are
© Copyright 2017, ArtWorkandRestoration, Corpus Christi, Texas, USA